What We Do

Untenured is public scholarship reimagined.


Our Mission

Our goal is to provide access to information otherwise constrained by universities around the world. We live in unprecedented times where information is used to mislead and divide people; we hope that by breaking down those barriers to knowledge that we will also destroy barriers between people.

Untenured is a literary magazine, a podcast network, a humanities conference, and more, all centered on one question: what does a better world look like?


“A revolution is coming -- a revolution which will be peaceful if we are wise enough; compassionate if we care enough; successful if we are fortunate enough -- but a revolution which is coming whether we will it or not. We can affect its character; we cannot alter its inevitability.”

— Robert Kennedy


What We’re Doing

  • Untenured is a literary magazine that imagines a better world. We publish fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry centered on antifascist, antiracist, and postcapitalist ideals. We also publish creative nonfiction from academics bringing their research to a wider audience.

  • Untenured Tracks is a podcast interviewing our contributors about their work and their careers, connecting our audience to our contributors.

  • The Global Empire and Resistance Scholarship conference (GEARS) aims to promote any form of scholarship from any discipline that focuses on or draws attention to the variety of ways people around the world experience empire and resistance to empire.

  • Our larger podcast network, Scatterbrain Radio, promotes public scholarship and positive engagement with popular culture.

Meet the Team

  • Andy Wilczak


  • Caroline Hayduk

    Poetry Editor

  • Adam Griffin

    Fiction Editor

  • Nic Hardisty

  • April Jackson

    Conference organizer

  • Mark Warren

    Producer to the stars